panegyric|panegyrics in English


[pan·e·gyr·ic || ‚pænɪ'dʒɪrɪk]

commendation, praise; song of praise, eulogy

Use "panegyric|panegyrics" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "panegyric|panegyrics" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "panegyric|panegyrics", or refer to the context using the word "panegyric|panegyrics" in the English Dictionary.

1. He made a speech of panegyric.

2. Directly hooked on to this, often expressed in the same sentence, was a long and, hard-dying panegyric for the past.

3. The panegyric to Maximian in 289 records that the rebels were defeated with a blend of harshness and leniency.

4. The last, the panegyric, was one of the most common themes and undercurrents in our conversations all year long.

5. Socrates covered his head when he gave the untrue panegyric, and only in the retraction is he once again entirely himself.

6. Michael Howard, the Conservative leader, gave a speech that began as a panegyric to Britain and ended as an orthodox recitation of Conservative plans.

7. 9 Pasquier denounced the Leaguers as regicidal maniacs in his L'Antimartyr de frère Jacques Clément (n.p., 1590), itself a riposte to Jean Boucher's panegyric of the monk

8. Nevertheless, people have a panegyric on the eight phenomena. Therefore, the spirit of this world is distorted. It has become a stubborn disease and beyond cure.

9. Arrian's work is conceived as a literary tribute to Alexander's achievements, to do for him what Homer had done for Achilles, and the tone is eulogistic, mitigating standard criticisms and culminating in a panegyric of extraordinary intensity